CMCA - Campervan and Motorhome Club of Australia

CEO Weekly Message

I would like to advise members, that as a result of motions passed at the recent AGM, we have implemented a postage and handling fee for members who wish to continue receiving a printed copy of The Wanderer. This came into effect on Tuesday 1 January 2019. It has been well documented why we must implement such a change, and the fee was overwhelmingly supported by members at the Annual General Meeting in response to the rising costs of distributing the magazine. 

Members who want to continue receiving a hard copy of The Wanderer will incur an additional charge of $24 per year ($2 per edition) to their membership, which will be applicable on their anniversary date (next renewal). The cost applied between 1 January 2019 and their anniversary date will be calculated, pro-rata, at $2 per month. Therefore, if your renewal date is in June, you will be required to pay $12 for postage and handling (this covers the period from 1 January 2019 to your anniversary date). You will then be required to pay another $24.00 with your renewal for the following year. Those members paying multiple year membership can pay the additional postage and handling fee to match their renewal date.

Safe travelling


Page Last Updated: Thursday, 10 January 2019 4:01 PM, Session:

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