CMCA - Campervan and Motorhome Club of Australia

New CMCA App

Yes, we have developed a CMCA APP, which is now available through the App store and Google Play Store, just search CMCA Club connect. The Club have been working on this development for a period of time, which will give mobile and tablet users a one stop shop for all CMCA. At the moment, we are still going through the processes of testing certain components which includes ironing out all the issues and bugs, something you can only do when the App is live. A further update will be released in two weeks’ time with identified issues fixed and new inclusions added. Please remember some older devices will not allow the download, so you will required a version compatible.

This exciting development for members will only be improved as time passes.

Page Last Updated: Tuesday, 24 April 2018 8:10 pm, Session:

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