CMCA - Campervan and Motorhome Club of Australia

Chapter Events

Here you will find an up-to-date listing of all upcoming chapter events. All members are welcome to attend chapter events, you do not need to be a member of that chapter to participate in their gatherings. We recommend contacting relevant chapters/office bearers in advance if you wish to attend an event. This ensures you receive all up-to-date information, and to ensure space is available. See further details about each event for more information.

Bribie Beachcombers
Toogoolawah Showgrounds 30 Ivory Creek Road Toogoolawah. Cost $25 pvpn power. Water, showers, toilets, dump point. Dogs per CMCA rules strictly adhered to. President Ron Bennetts 0407 185 069 Secretary Diane Dirksen
Starts: 24/4/2025 Ends: 28/4/2025 State: QLD
Thuringowa Drifters
4362 Ayr Dalberg Road. Outing Coincides with ANZAC Day Commemoration. Showers, toilets, water, grey water to ground, firepit. No Power, generators Ok. Activities: Camp oven cooking, games, trivia, movie night. For further information contact Outings Officer Rod. 0417 739 594. Visitors welcome.
Starts: 24/4/2025 Ends: 27/4/2025 State: QLD
Westernport Drifters
This weekend we are at Woolami Racetrack with a room to socialise, toilets ,scenic walks
Starts: 24/4/2025 Ends: 27/4/2025 State: VIC
Western Rovers
Beverley Apex Park Cnr Westdale and Lukin St. No power or showers, toilet and dump point at rear of Caravan Park. ANZAC Dawn and Memorial services and Gunfire breakfast. Information Stan Davies 0412 973 351.
Starts: 24/4/2025 Ends: 27/4/2025 State: WA
Far North Nomads
April Meet at Pony Club Babinda hosted by Millie and June
Starts: 24/4/2025 Ends: 27/4/2025 State: QLD
Peninsula Yorkeys
Wallaroo Oval. 20th Birthday. Back where it all started. All Welcome but please give plenty of notice. There will be a meal at a time and cost to be determined. Toilets, $10 pvpn. Contact or 0419 031 981 if you wish to attend.
Starts: 25/4/2025 Ends: 27/4/2025 State: SA
The Highlanders
Bundanoon Carriage Club, Cnr Ferndale & Quarry Roads, Bundanoon. Hall, kitchen, toilets & showers, power available (bring 10amp adaptors), pets ok. Chapter 28th Birthday party, bookings required. Phone Mary 0412185744 for more information and to book. Visitors always very welcome.
Starts: 25/4/2025 Ends: 28/4/2025 State: NSW
Highway Wanderers
Highway Wanderers 31st Birthday Bash is being held over 5 nights at Berry Showgrounds, Berry NSW. Limited sites available, bookings and pre-payment essential. Contact Peter for further details on 0427 190 337.
Starts: 28/4/2025 Ends: 3/5/2025 State: Australia Wide
The Batavians
El Benjo Animal Sanctuary. Camping grounds. 73km from Geraldton. Btwn Northampton & Horrocks. $10 unpowered. Rest room. Flushing toilets. Dump Point. Showers. Non drinking water. Motorhomes, Caravans, walking trails. Animal tour, Kitchen dining area use own camp stove.
Starts: 1/5/2025 Ends: 4/5/2025 State: WA
Lower Blue Mountains Wanderers
Venue: Robert Martin Centre, events include Disc Bowls Mother’s Day Cake Facilities: Shower, Toilets, Power, Water and a Hall Pricing: Power $25 Couple per night , $20 single per night.
Starts: 1/5/2025 Ends: 4/5/2025 State: NSW

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